Home Defense Strategies Spring Update

home defensive strategies include window treatments

Home defense strategies include window treatments

Spring has officially sprung and for many that means it’s hard to resist throwing open windows and doors to celebrate for months to come. Warmer weather is welcome, but remember that home defense strategies apply in all seasons.

Be honest: you’ve left windows open and back or patio doors unlocked when you’ve run out “for just a sec.” Caution: DON’T DO IT. You might as well put a sign on the front lawn that says “burglars enter here.” It may sound over-the-top, but these are the exact things criminals prey on when casing a neighborhood.

Spring Checklist

In previous posts, we’ve talked home defense strategies and the best firearm to defend your home. Today, we’re talking tips aimed to get you thinking about your home/property. So as you open those drapes and clear up the lawn, here is a list of things to think about for your own home defense preparedness.

  1. Hang window treatments that conceal a direct view into your home. This prevents burglars from peeping into your home, snapping pictures of the layout and scoping high-end electronics.
  2. Placing furniture against walls might give your family more entertainment space but it also gives intruders a cushy place to fall when they climb through a window.
  3. Landscaping should never obscure windows or doors. Although the privacy factor hits all the marks for curb appeal, it gives criminals a place to hide when breaking into your home.
  4. When choosing doors for your home make sure to select solid exterior doors withdeadbolts. NEVER hide a spare key in your yard.
  5. Have a keypad instead of keys? Change the number with each season. As with all passwords, the numbers should be simple to remember but stay away from birthdays, anniversaries or other easily identifiable numbers.
  6. Secure your yard by properly storing ladders and other items that can be stacked for height and used to gain entry into your home.
  7. A well-lit perimeter is a great deterrent so make sure to use a combination of motion-sensor lighting along with timers, inside and outside.
  8. Brick pavers are great for driveways but gravel and stone let you know when someone is on your property.
  9. Going on vacation? Inform the post office so they can hold your mail, and remember to suspend your newspaper delivery. Ask a neighbor to look out for any delivery packages.
  10. Notify your police department and request a security check while you’re away.

Home Office Concerns

With a growing number of Americans working from home, either permanently or occasionally, these tips also apply for home offices. Here are some additional tips specific to that home office environment:

  1. Never meet a client for the first time at your home. ALWAYS meet in a busy public setting.
  2. Tell a family member or friend about your appointment; who, when and where. And give them the latest time you’ll be home.
  3. Don’t assume your home office is covered under your homeowner insurance. In many instances, that isn’t the case. Call your insurance rep to make sure you have coverage.


Whether you own a firearm or have a security system, there is more to home defense and not all of it involves wielding a weapon. Controlling your space with these suggestions makes it difficult, near impossible, for criminals while increasing your ability to protect your home and property from intruders.

Other posts in this series on home defense include:

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About Bret Smith

I am a long-time lover of all things outdoors. Whether hunting, shooting, fishing or just hiking and camping, I take every opportunity to enjoy nature and share it with others.

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